/*creating Database Syntax*/
Create Database Sample
/*Create Table Syntax*/
create table Student(Sno numeric,Sname varchar(25),Sage numeric,Sdob datetime,Splace varchar(25))
/*Inserting Values in Table*/
insert into student values(103,'dhas',25,11/26/1990,'Tambaram')
/*select Table*/
select * from student
/*Drop Table Syntax */
drop table student
/*Truncate table Syntax*/
truncate table student
/*Delete table syntax */
delete from student
/*update table*/
update student set sname='amal' where sno=101
/*Primary Key without constraint name*/
create table Empdetails(Empno numeric primary key,Ename varchar(30),Edob datetime,Emobile numeric,Eemail varchar(50),Eplace varchar(30))
insert into Empdetails values(102,'Peter','02/23/1984',9233333,'reeed@rediffmail.com','India')
select * from Empdetails
/*foreign key without constraint name*/
create table Empsaldetails(Empno numeric foreign key references empdetails(empno),Ebpay numeric,Ehra numeric,Eda numeric,Esal numeric )
insert into empsaldetails values(103,25000,5000,500,30500)
/*primary key with constraint name*/
create table Persons(p_id numeric constraint pk_Persons primary key,Pname varchar(25),Pcity varchar(25))
insert into persons values(2,'ramky','trichy')
select * from persons
/*Drop Constraint Syntax*/
/*foreign key with constraint name */
create table orders(O_id numeric constraint fk_orders foreign key references persons(p_id),O_number numeric)
insert into orders values(3,875)
drop table orders
select * from orders
/*Drop Constraint Syntax*/
delete from orders where o_id=2
create table customers(c_id numeric primary key,c_fname varchar(25),c_Lname varchar(50),a_addr varchar(50),c_city varchar(25))
create table supplier(S_id numeric,S_num numeric,c_id numeric foreign key references customers(c_id))
insert into customers values(2,'asas','ghjj','kambar c8','trichy')
drop table supplier
select * from supplier
select * from customers
insert into supplier values(3,8967,3)
/*Inner Joins*/
SELECT customers.c_fname, customers.c_Lname, supplier.S_num
FROM customers
INNER JOIN supplier
ON customers.c_id=supplier.c_id
ORDER BY customers.c_Lname
/*join concept */
create table employee(ID int,name nvarchar(25),salary int)
create table job(ID int,title nvarchar(25),averageSalary int)
select * from employee;
select * from job;
/*Inner join */
SELECT e.ID, e.Name, j.title FROM Employee e INNER JOIN Job j ON e.Id = j.ID
/*leftOuter Join*/
SELECT e.id,e.name,j.title FROM Employee e LEFT OUTER JOIN job j ON e.id = j.id
/*Right Outer Join*/
SELECT e.id, e.name, j.title FROM Employee e RIGHT OUTER JOIN job j ON e.id = j.id
/*cross Join*/
SELECT e.ID,e.Name,j.title FROM Employee e CROSS JOIN job j ORDER BY j.ID
/*full join */
select * from employee full join job on employee.id=job.id
select * from employee
select * from job
/*Union Concept */
create table one(names varchar(30),age int)
insert into two values('five',5)
select * from one
select * from two
select * from one
select * from two
/*union all*/
select * from one
union all
select * from two
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