Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Black And White Logo Design Inspiration At Its Best

Black & white Logo Design Inspirations
We see thousands of logo designs in our daily routines from home to office and office to home. But there are a few who prefer their logo to be in black and white. Logo designer always starts with a colorful logo design and the black and white is given with the final files so that client may use this version of their logo in various places, but some prefer to stay with their black and white version. Sometimes black and white version of a logo looks more interesting and eye catching rather than a colored version. After creating a logo it’s important to check your logo in black and white because it helps your client to diversify his choice of branding and marketing.
Below are some of the interesting black and white logo designs you have ever seen:
Black & White 1
Black & White 2
Black & White 3
Black & White 4
Black & White 5
Black & White 6
Black & White 7
Black & White 8 Black & White 9
Black & White 10
Black & White 11
Black & White 12
Black & White 13
Black & White 14
Black & White 15
Black & White 16
Black & White 17
Black & White 18
Black & White 19
Black & White 20
Black & White 21
Black & White 22
One of the greatest example of black and white logo design is Cartoon Network Logo, even this is the most colorful TV channel in the entire world but still they are standing with their black and white theme.
Cartoon Network New
Cartoon Network Old

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