Saturday, August 10, 2013

Computer Terms Full Forms

General Computer Short Term and related full form terminology as:

Short TermFull Form
ABCAtanasoff-Berry Computer
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
AIArtificial Intelligence
ALUArithmetic and Logic Unit
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATMAutomated teller machine or Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVIAudio Visual Interleave
BIOSBasic Input Output System
CDCompact Disk
CUControl Unit
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CGICommon Gatweay Interface
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CADComputer Aided Design
CUICharacter User Interface
CAIComputer Aided Instruction
CALComputer Aided Learning
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection
CVTconstant voltage transformer!
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIMMDual In-line Memory Module
DMADynamic Memory Access
DPIDot Per Inch
DVDDigital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDO-RAMextended data output-RAM
FATFile Allocation Table
FLOPSFloating Point Instruction Per Second
FAXFar Away Xerox
FDCFloppy Disk Controller
GIGOGarbage In Garbage Out
GUIGriphical User Interface
GPLGeneral Public Language
HDHyper Definiation
HDDHard Disk Drive
HDCHard Disk Controller
IDEIntegrated Development Environment
IRCInternet Relay Chat
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
ISDNIntegrated Service Digital Network
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
NASSCOMNational Association of Software and Services Companies
NFSNetwork File System
NTFSNew Technology File System
OCROptical Character Recognition
OLEObject Linking and Embedding
OOPObject Oriented Programming
OMROptical Mark Recognition
PATAParallel advanced technology attachment
PDFPortable Document Format
PRMRotate Per Minute
QOSQuality Of Service
RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Disks or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAMRAndom Access Memory
ROMRead Only Memory
RJRegistered Jack
RTFRich Text Format
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment
S-D-RAMSynchronous dynamic random access memory
SIMMsingle in-line memory module
SMPSSwitching-Mode Power Supply
UNIACUNIVersal Automatic Computer
UPSUn-interruptable Power Supply
USBUniversal Serial Bus
UUCPUnix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VSATVery Small Aperture Terminal
WAISWide Area Information System
WAVWaveform Audio
WI-FIWireless Fidelity
WMFWindows Metafile Format
WORMWrite Once Read More
WYSIWYGwhat you see is what you get
ZIPZigzag Inline Package or zicxac inline pin

Computer images extension Short form & related full form terms:

Short TermFull Form
BMPBitMap Picture
JPEG/JPGJoint Photographic Expert Group
GIFGraphic Interchange Format
PNGPortable Networks Graphics
TIFFTagged Image File Format

Computer Network & Internet Short form & related full form terms:

Short TermFull Form
ARPA NETAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network
DLLData Link Layer
DNSDomain Name System
HTMLHyper Text Mark-up Language
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
INTERNETInter Network
ISPInternet Service Provider
LLCLogical Link Control
MACMedia Access Control
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
POP-3Post Office Protocol Version-3
SMIMESecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SNMPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
TLSTransport Layer Security
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
VOIPVoice Over Internet Protocol
VPNVirtual Private Network
WWWWorld Wide Web
URLUniform Resource Locator
LANLocal Area Network
MANMetropolitan Area Network
WANWide Area Network

Computer language Short form & related full form terms:

Short TermFull Form
BASICBeginner All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
COBOLCOmmon Business Oriented Language
PHPPHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
ASPActive Server Pages
CSSCascading Style Sheet
XMLeXtensible Mark-up Language

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