Monday, January 7, 2013

Software development lab programming












            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. One actor is created.  Actor name is called user.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view -> new->use case. Similarly create use case for five modules gam, stone gold, liquid gold, air gold and score.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram the creation includes create user and reservation use case.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the five modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.










            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor “user”, and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the gam and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the users and stone gold class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s name, score, id_no, etc.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as gamdata->ok. Create another table as gamtable in similar way and give its field name.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.












            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical views. Select new -> package and name it.

        Step2:   To draw the component diagram double click on component view, a component diagram window opens.

            Step3:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->    new-> database.

             Step4:   Secondary click on the component view select new-> package and name it.

            Step5:             Drag and drop the package, five components and the created database on the window.

            Step6:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device gam, stone gold, liquid gold, air gold score. and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.






















            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. Two actors is created.  Actor name is called passenger and administrator.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view->new->use case. Similarly create use case for seven modules login, create use case for seven modules login and create user, enquiry, reservation, seat arrangement, waiting list and cancellation.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram the creation includes create user and reservation use case.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the seven modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.









            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor "passenger" and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the passenger and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the passenger and the homepage class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates

                        Constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a datamodel diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->datamodel  diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required fields emp_id,emp->name,emo_address and basic pay.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as Employee_profile->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import.In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.











            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical view select newàpackage and name it.

            Step2:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the package, seven components and the created database on the window.

            Step4:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deplyment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device adband, registration,billing,direnq and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.

























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. Two actors are created.  Actor name is called customer.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view -> new->use case. Similarly create use case for six modules creation, atm, loan, deposit, withdraw, report.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the six classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the six modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.














            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor “customer”, and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the actors and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the customer and creation class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s name, address, occupation, contact_no, etc.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as custtable->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.












            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the six physical components for all the six modules(creation, atm, loan, deposit, withdraw, report).

        Step2:   To draw the component diagram double click on component view, a component diagram window opens.

            Step3:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->    new-> database.

             Step4:   Secondary click on the component view select new-> package and name it.

            Step5:             Drag and drop the package, six components and the created database on the window.

            Step6:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device creation, atm, loan, deposit, withdraw, report and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.

























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->new->actor. Two actors are created customer and officer.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view->new->use case. Similarly create use case for five modules home page, broad band, registration, billing and direnq.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram the registration includes broad band and extends directory use cases. Billing includes both registration and broad band this relationship is represented by using the dependency button.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the seven modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.








            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor "customer" and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the user and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the user and the homepage class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically

                        creates a constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model  diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required fields name, address and occupation, modern type, plan option, lamt, bamt and totamt content.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as teleview->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.














            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical components for all the five modules.

        Step2:    to draw the component diagram double click on component view a component diagram window opens.

            Step3:            secondary click on the component view select new-> package and name it.

            Step4:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step5:             Drag and drop the package, five components and the created database on the window.

            Step6:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new-> device. All the modules home page, broadband, registration, billing, direnq  and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.





















            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view-> new->actor. Two actors are created.  Actor name is called user and administrator.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view -> new->use case. Similarly create use case for six modules administration, membership, processing, search, acquisition and order.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. The diagram includes six modules and various attributes. Those modules are linked through unidirectional association.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the six classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the six modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.









            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor “user”, and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the customer and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the customer and the creation class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s name, address, contact_no, etc,.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as member data->ok. Create another table as book data in similar way and give its field names.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required queries are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.












            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the six physical component for all the six modules.

        Step2:   To draw the component diagram double click on component view, a component diagram window opens.

            Step3:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->    new-> database.

             Step4:   Secondary click on the component view select new-> package and name it.

            Step5:             Drag and drop the package, six components and the created database on the window.

            Step6:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device administration, membership, processing, search, acquisition  order and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. Two actors is created.  Actor name is called Owner and Cutomer

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view->new->use case. Similarly create use case for eight modules login, create use case for eight modules login, Cost of Rooms, Room status, Finance, Food, Workers, Maintenances, and Facilities

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram the creation includes create user and reservation use case.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the seven modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.









            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor "passenger" and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the passenger and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the passenger and the homepage class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates

                        Constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a datamodel diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->datamodel  diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required fields emp_id,emp->name,emo_address and basic pay.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as Employee_profile->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import.In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.











            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical view select newàpackage and name it.

            Step2:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the package, seven components and the created database on the window.

            Step4:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deplyment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device adband, registration,billing,direnq and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.



























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->new->actor. Two actors are created.  Actor name is called user and admin.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view -> new->use case. Similarly create use case for five modules

                        User1, find letter or word, display, database and administrator.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram user1 extends find letter or word extends display, this relationship is represented by using the dependency button.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the five modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.










            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor "admin" or “user” and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the user, admin and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the user and the user’s class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s word and meaning.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as view->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.














            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the five physical components for all the four modules.

        Step2:    to draw the component diagram double click on component view a component diagram window opens.

            Step3:            secondary click on the component view select new-> package and name it.

            Step4:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step5:             Drag and drop the package, four components and the created database on the window.

            Step6:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new-> device. All the modules users, administrator, find the letter or word, displaying and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.
























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. Two actors are created.  Actor name is called HR and administrator.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case view -> new->use case. Similarly create use case for five modules

                        Employee profile, attendance, leaves info, pay slip generation and payroll mgnt.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram generate a association between employee profile, attendance, leave info, pay slip generation and payroll mgnt.

              Step5:  Open the specification for the association specified that has extended.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the five classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the five modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.






            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor "HR" and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the pay slip generation and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the HR and the employee profie class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s customer_id, customer_name.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as customer->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.











            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical view select newàpackage and name it.

            Step2:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the package, seven components and the created database on the window.

            Step4:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device c_order, purchase, sales, stock etc and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.



























            Step1:  To create a use case diagram secondary click on use case view->     new->actor. Two actors are created.  Actor name is called customer and suppliers.

            Step2:             Then include use case by secondary click on use case

                           view-> new->use case. Similarly create use case for seven modules purchase, sales, stock, c_order, c_ordreturn,  s_purchase, s_purchasereturn

            Step3:             Drag and drop the actors and use cases on the use case view window.

            Step4:             The actors and use cases are related by using unidirectional association button. In the diagram purchase, sales, stock, c_order, c_ordreturn, s_purchase, s_purchasereturn.

            Step5:   Open the specification for the association specified that has extended.




            Step1:             To create the class diagram secondary clicks the logical view->new->class. Similarly create all the seven classes.

            Step2:             Drag and drop the classes on the class diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the class ->new attribute to include the corresponding attributes to the classes.

            Step4:             Secondary click on the class->new operation to include to the corresponding functions to the classes.

            Step5:             Add the relationships between all the seven modules using the unidirectional association button by dragging lines between them.









            Step1:             This diagram is based on the class diagram.

            Step2:             To create the sequence diagram secondary click on the logical view and select new->sequence diagram.

            Step3:             Double click on the sequence diagram to open the sequence diagram window. Drag and drop the actor “customer”, “suppliers” and all the classes on the window that were created earlier in the use case diagram.

            Step4:             To represent the relationship between the actors and the other classes select object message button (->).

            Step5:             Draw the line between the customer and c_order class then secondary click on the line and select the respective function to be called.  Similarly draw and select the appropriate associate for each class.




            Step1:             Once the sequence diagram is created, to generate the collaboration diagram press F5.

            Step2:             Collaboration diagram is now created and shows all the relationships and Associations created earlier.




            Step1:             To create a state chart diagram secondary click on logical view and select new->state chart diagram.

            Step2:             Double click on the state chart diagram to open the state chart diagram window.

            Step3:             Select the start state button to show the start of the process in the diagram and place it on the window.

            Step4:             The modules are represented by the state button.  Place the end state in the diagram. And arrange the states on the diagram.

            Step5:             Relationships are represented using the state transition button.  Drag the arrows between all the states.








            Step1:             To generate codes select tools->options->notation tab and set the default language as java.

            Step2:             Select tools->java->project specification.  The specification window opens and then the class path pointing to java compiler is set.

            Step3:             After setting the path secondary click on each class in the class diagram and select Java->generate code.

            Step4:             After the code is generated for each class it automatically creates constructor for each class.




            Step1:             To create a data model diagram secondary click on the schema->data modeler->new->data model diagram.  A data model diagram window opens.

            Step2:             Secondary click on the created schema->data modeler->new->table.  Give the required field’s customer_id, customer_name.

            Step3:             To create a view for schema. Secondary click on the created view->open specification rename it as customer->ok.

            Step4:             In the form tab select the available variables and view members, then check the correlation name.

            Step5:             In the columns tab-> import columns and select all the fields of the table -> import. In the SQL tab all the required quires are generated->apply.

            Step6:             Drag and drop the table and the view on the data model diagram window and link both the table and view by using the dependency button.












            Step1:             After the code generation the rational rose generates the seven physical view select newàpackage and name it.

            Step2:             Secondary click on component view-> data modeler->new-> database.

            Step3:             Drag and drop the package, seven components and the created database on the window.

            Step4:            Relationship is represented using the dependency button by drawing the line between the components, package and database.




            Step1:             Before the deployment diagram the schema is created where the database tables are created in the logical view.

            Step2:             Double click on the deployment view to open the deployment diagram window.

            Step3:             Secondary click on the deployment view select new->device c_order, purchase, sales, stock etc and the database all are represented as devices.

            Step4:             All the devices are linked together by using connect button.


















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